
Developments: SeaGate: Lyon Shores, Sandpiper, SeaCountry
Number of homes: SeaGate: Lyon Shores: 90, Sandpiper: 81, SeaCountry: 63 – TOTAL: 234

Bel Air: 102
Builders’ Names:
SeaGate / Lyon Shores: William Lyon Homes
SeaGate / Sandpiper: Rielly Homes
SeaGate / SeaCountry: SeaCountry Homes

Year(s) built: SeaGate: 1997-98 (approximate)

Square footage range:
SeaGate / Lyon Shores:
Plan 1- (2,381 sq. ft. 4 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 2- (2,572 sq. ft., 3 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 2 (alt.)- (2,572 sq. ft., 4 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 2 Plus- (2,719 sq. ft., 3 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 2 Plus (alt.)- (2,719 sq. ft., 4 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 3- (2,798 sq. ft., 5 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 3 (alt.)- (2,798 sq. ft., 6 bed, 3 bath)
*All plans have 3 car garage.

SeaGate / Sandpiper:
Plan 1- (2,006 sq. ft., 3 bed, 3 bath)
Plan 2- (2,280 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2.5 bath)
Plan 3- (2,370 sq. ft., 3 bed, 3 bath)
*All plans have 2 car garage

SeaGate / SeaCountry:
Friday’s Harbor- (1,773 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2.5 bath)
Mystic Harbor- (1,845 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2.5 bath)
Stone Harbor- (2,049 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2.5 bath)
*All plans have 2 car garage

Major community advantages:
– At the center of the community is a restored riparian wetland habitat and neighborhood park which is complete with picnic areas and playground equipment
– Award-winning SeaCliff Elementary, Dwyer Middle School and Huntington Beach High School